Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Freedom Hurts?

Independance Day is a holiday for them in calendar... But these tiny tots are awakened earlier than a usual working day, and made to do a final rehearsal of the numbers they must stage, and rushed to school.. at some moments during the long wait for the chief guests, they lose temper and break into tears of anger and frustration, like i witnessed here... Freedom...!


  1. Nice shot, Mini! It has a theme:-)
    I think the boy is crying b'coz of some internal conflict..who knows? U captured this pic nicely.

  2. Very true.... A very thought provoking caption and write-up!! I have always felt kids should take part only when they are 10 years old. Otherwise they wont realise the importance and would start hating the very important day instead of proudly celebrating it.

  3. Freedom Hurts some times Shades...
    nice Caption and wonderful idea...
    how beautifully u created conveyed an idea.. Woww

  4. Nice shot!

    Belated Happy Independence day :)

    Take care


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